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Proper & Peculiar

Dear Readers,

Now that it's winter break, I have a lot more time on my hands to look out the window and write a lot of poetry, and I hope you do the same. I was recently thinking about my fascination for different accents (in people's voices); I found that the two words that intrigue me the most in how they are pronounced in various parts of the world are "proper" and "peculiar". Here is the poem I wrote about this topic:

Proper & Peculiar

Two Sisters

In the most extraordinary way

Which is which?

Who am I?

Only time will tell,

But I think I'm the one

That starts with a "p" and ends with "r"—

This paper / the prisoner / prettier & pettier

I really like how the last two lines create a sort of mystery.

I hope you enjoyed reading it!

~ Golden Ink

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